quarta-feira, 8 de junho de 2011
I love my friends
I love my friends. I like them simply because it make me smile. It is thanks to my friends I smile for life. Agreement with the desire to sleep. I lie down with to never wake up, but my friends those friends au everything to me, make me stand up and smile, make me want to lie down and wake up, get out of bed and party for be somebody. True friends are not the ones who lift us, but those who never let us down, and unfortunately the few friends that way. This text was fond of talking about a very important person to me, Lucia. At Lucia want to say how much she means to me, how special she is and how much like to have as friend. She will not let me fall, she supports me, it helps me, she’s everything that my life is. I want to thank you take advantage of a very special way. Lucia everything to me. Thank you for everything you have done for me since we know. Thank for all those time when I open your eyes and you did on the believing in myself. Thanks for all times I warn you of the illusions that I was living. Thanks for all those breaks and all conversations thank you many times you call me to attention in class, and thanks for telling me that I can be much better what I am and what I can push myself more that more that effort. Thanks for letting me become strong. Since I am speaking of those who make me smile, grow feel useful,…, want to thank all my class and my teachers what they do for me and for us. Thank you all
Trabalho "Explores"
I was born in Genoa, Italy in 1451. My parents named me Cristoforo Colombo. I was the oldest of five children. My family did not have enough money, so worked with my father, Domenico Colombo, who was a weaver.
As a young man, I went sailing but my ship was a attacked and it sank. I swam six miles and arrived at a Portuguese beach. Then, I went to Lisbon and sometime after this i became a captain on a Portuguese ship.
I wanted to find a shorter route to the Indies to search for spices and gold came by caravan and this made them very valuable and expensive. King John II of Portugal thought that it was impossible rejected my plan.
I went to Ferdinand and Isabella, the king and Queen of Spain and asked them for assistance. They offered to buy ships - the Nina, The Pinta and the Santa Maria - and hire a crew of 90 men in August of 1492.
We set sail from Spain and two months later we reached land. It was an island and I called the people living there "Indians" because I believed I was near Africa. Then, I returned to Spain here they rewarded me.
Later i went back to sea because the Spanish wanted to colonize the new islands. I made four voyages and it was only on the third one that I realized maybe I was wrong and this was not the Indies but a new great continent, America.
Christmas is a part of the year when people buy many presents to exchange on this special season.
So it is important to remember the Christmas decorations. At Christmas I know some ornaments like: angles, Jesus, our lady, S.José, three wise mer, sheparas and star. Un together example of Christmas sucks as: sant Claus, elves reindrs in special Rudolph.
In Portugal I think the Christmas tree is the moost important ornament because it has: lights, ribbons, snow, star and under the tree it has the nativity scene.
It is really important toss peck about the caed weather during this pont of year. In some places in Europe it snows a lot and with snow we can make a snowman. On the lakes we can go ice-skating.
In my opinion Christmas is really special day.
Trabalho sobre as Estações do ano
A Primavera começa a 20 de Março. Nessa altura chegam as andorinhas. A temperatura é amena, por isso, estas aves instalam-se em Portugal e em países quentes.
A Primavera acaba e começa o Verão, no dia 21 de Junho. A temperatura é muito elevada. As pessoas aproveitam estes dias de sol para se bronzearem nas praias.
O Verão acaba e entra o Outono no dia 23 de Setembro. No Outono, as folhas das árvores começam a cair. A temperatura diminui e as andorinhas emigram, para fugirem do frio.
Por último, vem o Inverno, no dia 21 de Dezembro. No Inverno a temperatura é muito fria e o céu apresenta-se cinzento e coberto de nuvens.
Carta sobre o Cavaleiro da Dinamarca
Florença, 30 de Maio 1409
Olá querida família:
Venho por este meio comunicar que estou com muitas saudades vossas e que estarei, em casa, a tempo de passar o próximo Natal convosco.
Consegui cumprir o objectivo da minha peregrinação e passei o Natal na gruta onde Jesus nasceu.
Em Jerusalém, rezei toda a noite no lugar onde a Virgem, o boi, o burro, os pastores, os Reis Magos e os Anjos tinham adorado a criança acabada de nascer.
Então, no porto de Jafa, fomos assaltados por uma enorme tempestade, apanhei um susto tremendo. Mas tudo se resolveu, pois, passados cinco dias, o vento acalmou.
Foi também em Jafa que conheci um Mercador que me convidou para ir com ele para Veneza e aceitei o convite… Fiquei hospedado no seu palácio e ele em minha honra aumentou as festas e os divertimentos.
Passei por Ferrara e Bolonha e vi as altas torres de São Giminiano.
Cheguei a Florença no início de Maio. Atravessei a velha ponte sobre o rio, a ponte ladeada de pequenas lojas onde se vendiam coiros, colares de colar, armas…
Ontem, em casa do banqueiro Averardo, onde estou hospedado, durante o jantar, ouvi falar sobre os movimentos do Sol e da Lua, os mistérios do céu e da Terra, sobre poesia, música, astronomia… Fiquei impressionado, parecia que toda a sabedoria do mundo estava reunida naquela sala!
Um abraço e fiquem bem.
quarta-feira, 1 de junho de 2011
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